Since Roe vs Wade passed some 19 – 20 million black children have been aborted. When you consider only 40 million black people live in American today one is forced to ask how this isn’t considered a genocide.
Because of this design I’ll no doubt be written off as a racist, a bigot, on and on but I ask who’s the real bigots, the person bring this issue to the table (even if it is in a brass knuckle way) or the people creating the environment responsible with this level of death within one community?
I care about the black community. I want to see it thrive, but that isn’t going to happen until they stop co-signing each other’s bullshit. Have a good look at the music and entertainment they take in. It’s cancer. This conversation has long been needed to have.
I heard about you this weekend on one of my radio talk news. Can’t remember which one but I am grateful to know you are in the USA taking on the bullshit with no apologies. I especially liked the one about herr Kimmel. He changed the day his kid was born. I would not watch his show even if I had a choice between him and a bowl full of poop. I will take the poop. Keep on keeping on. I for one loved you.