The Yin and The Yang – A conversation With Artist Woodman Shimko and Street Artist Sabo, Interview by Angela Romeo

I’m not sure how excited I am about gallery shows. I’ve only had a few. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy talking to people who show up asking questions. I can’t tell you how many times after the show I get messages from people telling me that they they saw me, they now know what I look like and the next time they are going to creep up on my and punch me in the head, fucken lame.

Below is a shot I took of the room before my first gallery show held at the Savage Gallery in Palm Springs, California. I really appreciate them having the balls to have this work up in the first place. Honestly I don’t think the gallery owner knew what he was getting himself into and when things did become clear my thought is he became a bit nervous. I could be wrong but … it wouldn’t surprise me if this was the case. Either way, a huge thank you to everyone involved.

The thing about gallery shows is I remember when Banksy came out with his movie “Exist Through the Giftshop.” Everyone and their mother who was an illustrator became a street artist over night and galleries around LA were falling all over themselves to have their work hang on their walls. I swear to God these people would put up one of two pieces on the street and over night they were considered street artists. Two weeks later they were gallery artists. It was so pathetic even the Simpsons did a spoof on it not long after making fun of them.

I wanted to nothing to do with this. I figured I’d try not getting involved and eventually all the fuss would die down. God forbid I try making a buck right?

The owner of Lab Art this big street art gallery in LA tells a buddy of mine that he was interested in see some of my work. I figured why not so I dropped by. I think I showed him 20 pieces, he like about 11 but he needed me to tighten them up. This crazy chick I knew drove me and my pieces there was blown away with the gallery. She noticed they were going to have an all women’s show in the coming weeks and asked me if I could make sure she got in. It seemed they shows got crowded and she didn’t want to stand in line. I asked the gallery owner if he’d insure we get in so we’re not standing in line like “normal people.” 😉 He said to RSVP like everyone else which really pissed me off. I didn’t even know what the hell that meant! So I told him to fuck off. And so went my relationship with Lab Art. To tell you the truth, I regret doing that because 1. she certainly wasn’t worth it 2. I might be further along BUT 3. I knew of a lot of the people in that gallery circle and pretty much didn’t want shit to do with them. I am very much a loner kind of guy. Fuck all that side show bullshit they loved playing.

So for the most part I put all that galley show stuff on ice. Then The Savage Gallery turned me on to a one night show. Seeing they were friends I figured why not. Little did I know across the city the whole Lab Art crew was having a 100 man show or some shit. And there I was all alone. 😉 The way I like it.

I packed my jeep up with a ton of art and I cut through that desert thinking I was going to die the whole fucken weight loss pills way. That wind was fierce and some of my bigger pieces were acting like sails but I made it.

Angela Romeo an art lover in Palm Spring had this show she had booked me on while I was there. God bless her. I was so shock up when I got there I had to have a couple of beers. So there I was parked in her studios parking lot capping a buzz not knowing I was supposed to be on fucken air!!! I got the scheduling all screwed up so as you can see in the video above I was about 30 minutes late.

I enjoyed the time we had, the interview turned out great. I believe it’s still the most watched video in her catalogue. I wish I’d of made it on time because I would have really torn into the guy I was somewhat debating with. Or at least having a conversation with.

The art show went off without a hitch. I can’t believe how quickly we got so many things up. I sold a piece or two. I learned I could be social if I had to be. I still have many those pieces. They’ve become a part of the family. I’m almost glad so few sold. They are like my children.
