I hardly ever go to movies anymore and it there’s ever a movie I really want to see I’ll just wait for it to show up in ReBox. I’ll admit the reasons I do this are a bit petty. It’s my own little way to rebel by putting as little money possible into the big liberal Hollywood machine. Out of touch actors who rail against my political beliefs drove me to it.
Shia LaBeouf, Bryan Cranston, Cher, Madonna, Ashley Judd, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck … I could go on all day, have shot their mouths off long enough calling people like myself every vile Adipex name in the book, again and again, and again, and again. I used to really love movies and the occasional tv show but not so much these days. I “discount” what goes on in them these days more than ever.
I’m sure many people are wondering if anyone is going to out Meryl Streep her Golden Globe anti-Trump tirade on Sunday night at the Oscars.
Recently a Hollywood Reporter pole revealed 6 out of 10 Americans can’t even name one Best Picture Nominee.
What this tells me is America for the most part is more and more discounting what’s coming out of Hollywood. And I’m sure many who do eventually watch these movies are waiting for them to show up on RedBox because $1.50 is all they think they are worth.
The quote, “ALL THOSE ASSHOLES MAKE ARE UNWATCHABLE MOVIES FROM UNREADABLE BOOK.” came from the Quentin Tarantino (who I can no longer stand because one morning he woke up on of the most obnoxious celebutards in Hollywood) movie “True Romance” spoken by the character Clarence Worley played by Christian Slater who was expressing his distain for modern Hollywood blockbusters.
What we need is Shia LaBeouf to show up and start chanting the mantra, “THEY WILL NOT DIVIDE US” to help take down the huge barricade that surrounds the Dolby Theater that divides we lowly plebs from the Hollywood Royalty.
20″x30″ archival giclee print $30