Inquires can be sent via email to [email protected]

Support for my work can be done through the purchase of posters, stickers, apparel and donations (via the two links in the sidebar). Thank you …

Donations help finance…
• studio space
• large format printer inks, paper and maintenance (not cheap)
• basic art materials such as art boards, paint, blades, silk screen materials 
• high speed internet access, power, programs, information storage 
• equipment such as cameras, mics, recorders, lights
• travel expenses, hotel rooms, car rentals
• assistants aka lookouts

To the right I’ve placed links to my new payment process (top link), a Subscribestar link, and my P.O. Box incase you’re wary of internet transactions. If you’re to send a check please make it payable to UNSAVORYAGENTS.

Who am I?

What started off waking up at 3 in the morning, cycling five miles into Hollywood with a backpack full of posters and glue grew into a crew of assistants and art so heavy I needed a truck to carry it. With the increased scale came the larger price tags for the creative hits. That’s what this page is about, to ask those with the means to be patrons of my art.

I love striking against the establishment be they Hollywood’s, the tech industry or in Washington D.C.. Nothing makes me happier than when I hear the head of a studio rolls their eyes when they hear my name.

If I pulled off every creative hit I have dancing around in my crazy little head I’d be broke within a month. When I do hit, if I’m lucky the press picks up on what I did the night before making it more likely I’ll be able to go online to ask people like yourself to help out with some of the expenses. Hopefully I break even. On a good hit I make a few bucks, I put that money back into the studio and maybe have enough to take the wife out to dinner. Then I’m off to the next creative hit.

I’ve held many jobs in my life, always the first one in, the last one out. I’ve shrimped in the gulf of Mexico, cut cords of wood in Louisiana. During high school I cooked up the best southern fried chicken and flipped burgers at Burger King … Earlier still I delivered news papers and mowed my share of lawns. I’ve served four very long years in the Marine Corp on a tank. I’ve wore a suit and tie working retail at the Beverly Center. I’ve worked at design agencies, ad agencies and the start-ups. I know what it is to be a worker among workers.

Why the resume? It’s my way of saying I know what it is to put in a good days work. I’m not lazy, I’m no grifter. I’m very much a blue collar kind of guy, so it took me years to process the idea that now I’m an artist, it bothered me. The thought that I have no boss bothered me more. But here I am. If I didn’t think there was meaning behind what I do I wouldn’t be doing it. When I feel my worse, when I think I’m crazy for what I do is about that time I get a letter from some place I’d never been, from someone I’ll probably never meet telling me how what I do inspired them to take up the kind of art that helps to push our political narrative. One more artist, writer, movie maker moves us one more step forward, pulling one more inch away from the death grip the Left has on their ability to define us through art and stories.

Our side needs artists, story tellers, musicians and we need you.

The Future

I hope this coming year brings with it a book, a documentary as well as an exciting campaign season. I can’t tell you the things I have planned. More times than not even I don’t know myself.

For the time being I have a studio space in the heart of Los Angeles. As much as I want to leave this dirty place I appreciate how important it is to have a place within striking distance of Hollywood, Los Angeles and all those big money donors that live behind their walled off mansions. I’d hate to give this space up. Your support helps to keep these doors open.

If you have a house that’s just sitting around and you’re about to kick the bucket and by some miracle it’s an hour in any direction except West from Los Angeles by all means adopt me and leave it to your new found son. I need the creative space to work and to get the hell out of Los Angeles. I’m a veteran, I can use the VA to get a loan, make me a deal.

Thank you, thank you all.