Larry has this thing he does where he goes on these political rants online while he’s in this bath robe. At first I thought it was a little goofy, but it grew on me. When he decided to take on Gavin Newsom for the recall election in California I decided to support him. No he didn’t ask.
Part of that support came when a supporter of his asked if I could paint something to raffle during a fundraiser in Beverly Hills. Now I’m not a painter and this scared the hell out of me, but I couldn’t say no. Laying in bed scared out of my mind I remembered what my cross country couch told me when I’d complain about not being able to complete the next mile. He’d yell out, “then give me two miles!” Scared to death I couldn’t complete the painting on time I said fuck it and committed to painting two.I’m not going to bullshit you, these look fucking odd. They kind of remind me of those Barbra Streisand fan paintings the Christina Ricci character did in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but what choice did I have? I did what I knew best to do, fake it till I make it baby!